Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's Friendship Day

Another day to increase consumption, hyped up by the brands, lapped up by the kids.

Well maybe not by all kids-

The elder one made a list of people she wanted to tie “friendship bands” to, shortlisted it to a reasonable five and then threw in a few spares-just in case she’s forgotten a friend or two.

The younger kid didn’t care much but still dug out some friendship bands received last year and decided to take them to school and tie them only to the friends who tied one for her.
And what if you need more-I can always untie on from my hand and use it, can’t I?

Yeah-she’d rather spend the money on chips.

And for me-the supposed to be staid, sensible, mom-of-two with three grey threads in my hair to show it---today is again a reason to reach out to the people who have mattered more than anything in the world.

To the friends who grew up with me and made me grow up (or tried to). To the ones who taught me to smile and move ahead, to the ones who have put up with me for better or worse, to the ones who till day are standing by me and to the ones who have drifted away.

And wish them a very happy day…..and thank them for being my friends

Is it because I am the sort of Mom who still has a lot of growing up to do? (who exchanges MBs in the office parking lot, who has still kept cards and letters from decades ago, who still misses her friends and cherishes every moment spent with them;

Or is it because the girls are yet to find out what friends really are?


  1. U r such a warm person HyperMom :)
    Happy friendship day to u too!


  2. This really made up for a wonderful read.Came here through Swaram's page.

    "Is it because I'm the sort of Mom who has a lot of growing up to do?" so with you on this...I keep asking this whenever I see my daughter grow up in front of my eyes!

    Glad to have stumbled by your page :))

  3. Wishing a happy friendship day too :)

    Thanks Swaram: I wish I could agree with you, but most of the time I actually am the wicked Loverna!

    Hi Fafy-Thank you for the wishes and hope you had a great day too!

    And thank you Deeps-I am still new at blogging but writing out my experiences of watching my daughters grow up-and sharing with other Moms has been great fun and so enriching.

  4. That was such a wonderful post!

    Loved the way you wrote.. Belated happy friendship day :)

  5. Happy friendship day, belated of course ;)

    You never exchanged MB with, not that I had one. But still :P And I have all cards and letters, even from school days, saved. Even with relocation, I have carried them all with me, instead of leaving them at grandma's place.

  6. Thanks Smitha

    It's been so nice making "blog-friends". Best wishes to you.

    Poonam: Happy Belated friendship day to you too!
    So glad to know that there are others who still carry the old bag of cards and letters. To me they are such an important part of 'me'.
